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Tuesday, April 29, 2014

A Workshop with Gabrielle Fox: Full Leather Over An Exposed Spine

Gabrielle Fox/photo by Beth Gilbert
CBAS members and book artists are invited to this two-day workshop presented by Gabrielle Fox, a founding member of our organization. The author of The Essential Guide to Making Handmade Books, Gabrielle is internationally known as a leading expert and artisan in the binding, conservation and restoration of fine books. Her career has included training and teaching in many distinguished institutions in the United States and Great Britain.  Besides having earned many awards and commendations, her work has appeared in numerous exhibits.  For more about Gabrielle Fox, and to see some of her wonderful work, go to: http://gabriellefox.com

Description of Workshop:
The full leather binding you will complete is a variation of an exposed sewing structure with a full leather spine protecting the spine stitching and creating a natural combination of tight back and hollow all in one structure.     

Based on the Multi-Section Pamphlet in Gabrielle's book The Essential Guide to Making Handmade Books, this variation provides the strength & flexibility of a tight backed book with the ease of a hollow tube. Best of all is the full leather spine that protects the inner layer of exposed sewing. This can be titled or decorated as in a full leather traditional binding.

The delight of this structure is the ease with which it opens and the possible variations that can be used for both design and conservation binding. 

You will complete one full-leather binding, with leather onlays, if you choose, in this two-day class.

Dates:       Saturday and Sunday, May 31 and June 1, 2014.

Time:        9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. (Lunch 12:00-1:00)

Place:        College of Mount St. Joseph, Art Department
                   5701 Delhi Rd, Cincinnati, OH 45233
                   Specific directions will be sent to registrants prior to the workshop.

Cost:         $120 for the cost of the 2-day workshop + $30 for materials 
                   payable at the start of the workshop.

What to Bring:   Items noted on Supply List.  Brown bag lunch.

Details:               •Space is limited to ten participants.  
                            •Deadline for reservations is Monday, May 19, 2014

To obtain a Registration Form and Supply List, contact Margaret Rhein at paperpeg@gmail.com and put "FOX WORKSHOP" as your subject line.

Please note that the supply list for the workshop includes some preparation prior to the workshop. 


Sunday, April 13, 2014

CBAS Member has NY Show

Our own Diane Stemper (Oxford, Ohio) is on her way to New York City this week to help install an exhibit of her work as a Featured Artist at The Center for Book Arts. Titled Diane Stemper—Sample Close at Hand, the exhibit opens April 18 and runs through June 28.
Diane Stemper's Universal Sample, intaglio & letterpress
Artist Statement: The works in "Sample Close at Hand" reference Charles Darwin, medical collections and biological studies, codified in a series of prints and artist books and books built into petri dishes. The dish references a culture of microorganisms and serves as a metaphor for the cultural context of science qnd the connection between our relationship with nature and science.
Diane Stemper's Cell: Compendium, books in petri dishes

So...if you're headed to NYC in the next couple of months, be sure to drop in and take a look. The Center for Book Arts is located at 28 W. 27th Street, 3rd floor. And send us some photos of the installation! Congratulations to Diane for an exhibit at this prestigious location.

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Remember this weekend's meeting...

Hope you're planning on joining us for the CBAS Potluck and Annual Meeting this Saturday at the North Presbyterian Church in Northside. (Blog post of Mar. 3 has details.) It will be a great time to

chat with your fellow CBAS members, 
check out their book projects at the show & tell table, 
have a delicious shared lunch, 
officially vote on the new board, 
get caught up on organization business,
hear about plans for the future,
and enjoy guest speakers Barbara and David Day. 

See you there!